Private Voice
Private Voice is a one-on-one 30, 45 or 60 minute class that addresses the elementary to advanced techniques to efficiently and easily access the student’s best sound through vocalizes, repertoire, performance and competition preparation.
Repertoire Class
Repertoire Class allows students to rehearse their repertoire for peers, receive positive feedback, and observe others work on their performance style with a focus on technical aspects of singing. This is a perfect way to share repertoire prior to a big audition, showcase, or competition.
Group Classes
Group Classes will be offered, occasionally, for beginning students near the same age and proficiency level. This can include assigned, purchasable materials and sheet music, and students will have similar assignments. These classes are designed to promote the student to private voice with a customized lesson plan.
Group Classes can also be available upon request for Duets, Trios, and Quartets as they prepare for Solo & Ensemble and performance opportunities. The focus of this type of class is blending voices by “cleaning” vowel space, consonants, transitions, dynamics, harmonic work, and presentation.
Master Class
A Master Class is designed to offer advanced students an opportunity to present material that is near or at “performance ready”. Not everyone in attendance sings. Singers are, usually, selected in advance (sometimes via audition). Observers will witness the Master Guest Artist offer instruction and suggestions to the singer, and then see/ hear the outcome of the instruction. Singers will, typically, sing through their song, then work certain sections with the instructor, and then sing their song again incorporating the feedback. I find singers and observers, alike, gain much insight from Master Classes.